5 things you can do to benefit your health before the New Year!

So many of us wait til the new year to begin living a healthy lifestyle, as if just because it is a new year, it will all of a sudden be easier for us to stick to our goals or begin to really start prioritizing ourselves and our health. But the truth is, it’s just another month. This is the All or nothing approach and a lot of it stems from our “diet culture”, yo-yo dieting, instant gratification world that we’ve lived in and been influenced by. Maybe you’ve been one of those people who set out with great intentions and then only made it a couple weeks… trust me, I’ve been there! Stats say that on average 80% of people who create New Year’s resolutions abandon them by February. ( abccolumbia.com) Here’s the deal… I know it’s hard to start working on yourself in general, but I want to encourage you to start making some changes now before the New year begins and I believe you’ll see more success and begin to live an even healthier, happier life in 2023!

1) Start moving your body now! It doesn’t have to be all or nothing and full blast when you hit January! Why not start walking, hitting the gym a couple times a week, doing some at home workouts, etc., now?! I know, you probably already thought… but what about the holidays?! I’m gonna be traveling… I want to eat all the food… I don’t know how I’ll workout when I’m gone?! Trust me… again, I feel that! I used to make the excuse all the time that I couldn’t do workouts or move my body if it wasn’t how I wanted it to be… If it wasn’t the exact way I wanted. Truth is… this way of thinking was hindering me from living a more vibrant and less anxious life. But if you want to make it happen, you gotta have a plan in place!

One of my favorite trainers always says, “ If you don’t plan, you plan to fail.”- autumn calabrese

She’s right! Without a plan, you’ll fail! But no worries, the plan doesn’t have to be crazy! It can simply be you writing down a couple times throughout the week to have a little date with yourself and sticking to it! Start out with moving your body 3 times a week, find a program or plan you will do and enjoy, or decide to get those steps in each day! I promise you not only will feel and see physical results, but you’ll feel the results mentally and emotionally too! ya need some help getting started or finding some programs? click this link for some amazing at home workouts you can literally do anywhere, anytime: Free 14 day trial! https://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/us/d/beachbody-on-demand-BODStandalone?referringRepID=1979822

Want a bike with a plan? Create a bb account under link above and then Click this link and check it out! https://beachbody.myxfitness.com/pages/bodi-bike-studio?utm_source=wisepops&utm_medium=wisepops&utm_campaign=bodibikestudioWPdesktop#myxproduct

2) Drink your water! I don’t know about ya’ll but something as simple as drinking your water can be really challenging! I’ve always struggled with getting enough water in and over the years as I’ve begun investing in my health more, I’ve come to realize just how important water is to our bodies! I know we are all aware of the importance of drinking water, but yet many of us live most days dehydrated. I know I have. Dehydration can cause unclear thinking, mood changes, can cause our bodies to overheat and can also lead to constipation and kidney stones. ( cdc.gov) It can also help with weight management and reducing your calorie intake! But not only that, water helps lubricate and cushion your joints and protects your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues. I’m sure many of us know that we need to be drinking more water, but we just haven’t made a plan to get that water in.

I’ve tried to find better methods or ways to get my water in. Here’s some things I’ve tried and some ideas for you:

*wake up and drink a glass of water in the am! I used to drink a warm cup of lemon water and wow, I felt amazing. I should get back to that. Not only was I getting some much needed water in after sleeping all night, but I was also reducing my stress levels, getting some extra vitamin c in , and reving up my metabolism for the day! (Lybrate.com). Even if you don’t add lemon, studies show that drinking water upon waking up is a great way to increase your energy levels, boost your metabolism, ease any aches and pains, fight toxins and even help your complexion. Yes, please! (Lifesourcewater.com)

*Drink a glass of water before every meal! Drinking a glass of water before meals helps you regulate your hunger and allows you to feel satisfied with your meals and can help you not overeat.

*Set a timer for times throughout the day to grab your water bottle and chug! I get super busy throughout the day and many times forget to refill my water or even drink enough, so setting an alarm has helped me become more aware and actually drink more water throughout my day vs only with a meal.

*Get a Big water jug so you can fill it in the morning and be ready to go for the day! Some of my favorite jugs to use are the hydro jugs! The only issue I’ve found is that they don’t always keep my water super cold. There are so many options on amazon you can chose from, but find a water bottle that will work for you. Do you drink more water when drinking through a straw? Do you like seeing reminders on the side of your water bottle? Do you want a clear water bottle? These are some questions you can ask yourself as you search for a new water bottle! Here are a couple options: https://www.amazon.com/Gallon-Water-Bottle-Time-Marker/dp/B08FXD5SNC/ref=sr_1_6?crid=115I9514FK2IL&keywords=Water+bottles&qid=1668096311&sprefix=water+bottles%2Caps%2C118&sr=8-6



My fav Hydrojug! So many styles and so cute! https://www.thehydrojug.com/collections/bottles?utm_campaign=PMAX_BFCM_US&utm_medium=x&utm_source=GoogleAds&utm_content=ShoppingAds&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQiA37KbBhDgARIsAIzce17Ip6C3I9XnovA-zJUduKWlexMi4FRXr_iaAbQG-vZXW__ZGD3hJe8aApD8EALw_wcB

3) Dry brushing! This is one of my favorite forms of self care! Not only does my skin feel amazing and help with cellulite, but there are other health benefits to dry brushing as well! Did you know that dry brushing can also help with blood flow and circulation? It helps the body deliver vital oxygen and nutrients to all of your muscles and organs. It obviously isn’t getting your blood pumping in the same way a lengthy walk or workout would, but it does stimulates and plump the skin. It also activates the lymphatic system. You want to dry brush towards the heart and this will help increase the lymphatic drainage,stimulates the nervous system and help with blood flow and circulation.

4) Start taking collagen each day! Collagen is one of the most abundant structural proteins in our bodies! It amounts to 30% of our body’s protein. Collagen is found in connective tissue, skin, tendons, bones and cartilage. It provides structural support to tissues and plays important roles in cellular processes including tissue repair, immune response, cellular communication, and cellular migration. Sounds pretty amazing, right?! But as we age, our natural production of collagen slows down which is seen visibly through the to wrinkles, dry skin, sagging skin we begin to see. But beyond our physical appearance, less collagen in our body also means restrictions in bone strength, less joint mobility and possible joint pain, gastrointestinal problems due to the thinning of the digestive tract lining, and possible blood flow issues. By taking collagen supplements you can help add back some of that essential collagen to your body! Be careful which collagen supplements you try or use, and do your research! One of my favorite collagen supplements is one from Modere! They have 4 different collagens and all of them are amazing! Check them out here! https://modere.co/3fh0pPf

5) Eat more veggies! Yes, that’s right! A diet rich in vegetables and fruit can actually lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, fight inflammation, up your fiber and they help with keeping you full longer! Vegetables are full of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that provide many health benefits to the body. And what kind of veggies are best?! The ones you will actually eat, lol! But really different veggies provide different benefits, but just getting yourself started by adding in 2-3 veggies a day is going to have a HUGE impact on how you feel! Here are some easy ways to incorporate veggies into your diet:

1) Hide your veggies! Add spinach or kale to your favorite shake or smoothie!

2) try a mixed salad with kale, Brussels sprouts and spinach for extra greens

3) Add a side salad to your dinner

4) Fry up some veggies with oil in a wok with some chicken or tofu to have a delicious stir fry

5) Cook some onions, peppers, and zucchini’s together as a side or along with Koalbosa or chicken

6) Grab some frozen bags of veggies and add those to your lunch or dinners

7) Roast tomatoes in the oven with oli oil, Parmesan cheese, and basil

8) Use the air fryer and make some delicious buffalo cauliflower

Hope this post gave you some ideas on things you can do RIGHT NOW to benefit your health! No need waiting til the New Year! Make a plan, switch a couple things, add in a few small habits and then by January you’ll be rocking and rolling and already living a healthier lifestyle!

Cheers to making some new healthier decisions!

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