“I’m Praying for you”


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“I’m Praying for you” – Have you ever told someone something bad that was happening in your life or in your friends’ life, or about a choice, an opportunity, something that you would really appreciate their prayers for and they respond “I’ll be praying for you?” I know that I have done this and have had this done to me before. We throw this term around so much and we think that by commenting with it, that it will make someone feel better. While this may be the case, if we as christians don’t actually pray for them, then we aren’t being truthful with our comment and we aren’t believing God to be in the situation.

I recently had this realization brought to me by a friend. Her mother is going through a lot and has recently been diagnosed with lymphoma. I told her that I would be praying for her and then I asked for her mother’s name. To me, it was a no brainer… I wanted to be able to pray for my friend, but I also wanted to be more specific with my prayer and really lift her mother up using her name. I didn’t think much about the conversation, but about 15 min later as I was picking up items at the grocery store, I got a text from my friend. She had taken her mom to the doctors and was waiting for her in the waiting room and she text me this  “ I was just sitting here realizing that of all the times I’ve heard someone say ‘I’ll pray’, you’re the only one who has asked for a name. I always feel like people just say that because its expected. But you asking my moms name made me feel that you will truly do it. “

Wow, when she responded with that, I was taken back and really thought about the statement and how she was so right… it is usually said because it is expected. Then she added “ i”m grateful for you. I’m not very religious, but I do believe in God. I’m glad he has put people like you in my life to take up the slack.” I was honored when she said all of those things and then I thought  “What if we made it a point to truly pray for people and ask more specifics. to allow people to see how important we think they are and to be a better witness?” What if something so simple could help us draw others to Christ? praying for you

Prayer moves mountains. Us, as christians believing that God will hear our requests and will do something is so incredibly important. It means that we truly believe that God can hear our requests and that he cares for us… that he wants to help us… that he loves us.

Phillipians 4:6 says “ Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” 

1 John 5:14  “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. “

When we take these verses and actually apply them in real life, we are leaning on God for his help ( His power is made perfect in our weakness- 2 Corinthians 12:9) and we are believing that He will work in the situation being prayed over. God desires to hear from you… He desires to hear your requests and prayers. So, how can we do better as christians about praying in general and praying for others?

3 things you can do with regards to prayer and praying for others:

1. Ask Specifics about the situation needing prayer or the person.

By asking for specifics you can pray for the situation and/ or person better and the person who asked for prayer will feel that you are really going to pray for them and their situation. How cool would it be if something so simple could bring others to know God?

2.  Pray for the situation or person immediately after you find out about the situation.

If you pray right away, then you are being honest with your response that you will be praying for the person or situation. And if you forget to lift the situation or person up in prayer again, at least you already prayed. But if you don’t want to be the person who forgets to lift others up in prayer… start a prayer journal. With a prayer journal you can write down all the requests you have said you will pray about and your own prayers and the coolest part of all.. see how God works in those situations and then write about it!

3.  When God puts a person on your heart to pray for, do it right away!

You never know what’s going on in someone else’s lives and by lifting them up, you are partnering with them and speaking on their behalf. You can never have enough prayer! Or you could get to know that same person and think they are awesome and befriend them. One can never have enough friends, either!

Romans 8:26 “ In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”  

It means so much to me when others say they are praying for me and then instead of just saying that, they keep up with the situation and ask how things are going. Let’s not just be the person or the christians that say “I’ll be praying for you,” let’s really do it!


24 thoughts on ““I’m Praying for you”

  1. That’s some good advice. I know growing up in the South, I’ve come to cringe those words, since they usually end an argument. “I don’t agree with you, but I’ll pray for you.” 😀 It’s nice to see people getting the reality of how we should pray for people. And to add that touch to make people realize that you’re not just saying it.

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment! Yes! I have been guilty of saying it before and while I have prayed, it had become one of those sayings. This really made me evaluate what I say and I wanted her to know I was truly meaning it! ❤️

  2. The title of the post intrigued me so much I had to click on it! This is the most relatable post I’ve seen in a long time. It’s so true that people often throw the term “I’ll pray for you” around and it’s not right in my opinion. It shouldn’t be thrown around because prayer is extremely powerful. This post really opened up my eyes. Thank you so much for this!

    1. Wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment! I am so excited you are following on my journey of life! This was a real eye-opening experience for me too… I don’t want to be the person who just says things… I want to do it and live it! I really appreciate your words and I am so glad that God allowed me to be able to have this experience to write about it!

  3. This post really helped me reflect on how I pray for people in my life. I have personally been guilty of saying “I will pray for you” or commenting on a Facebook post asking for prayers by saying, “sending you prayers.” While I do follow through on my prayers, this post made me realize that I really need to be more intentional and specific with my wording. Like your friend, I also do not think I have ever been asked specifics about what I needed prayer for, and this made me think just how full my heart would feel if someone did ask me more questions like you did for your friend. I think it’s so wonderful that your friend shared how much that meant to her, and that it inspired this wonderful post!! I am definitely going to start being more intentional with my prayers. Thank you for this thoughtful post! You have such a beautiful and genuine soul!

    1. Stephanie! Thank you for reading! Yes this was a very eye-opening experience for me as well and I was convicted of many times praying for someone but many times out of obligation or duty. But prayer is so much more and even the simplest thing of me asking for her mother’s name, made her know that I care so much! I am going to strive to continue doing this and to follow up… I would want someone to do that for me as well! I want others to truly know how much I care and love for them, because I want to strive to love like Christ in everything

  4. I have been convicted of doing this very thing. Saying I will pray and then I don’t follow through. I soon as it became apparent to me that I wasn’t doing it the right way. I made sure from that point forward that I will make sure I pray right then and there and often times of someone text me I will sent them a prayer back praying for them. Such truth in the words you have written! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Yes! Thank you for reading and commenting! I totally do the same thing- send a prayer over text or sometimes if on the phone I ask if we could pray then. I have also asked people if in person they don’t mind me praying for them right then… most of the time people don’t mind and are appreciative! Thanks for the reminder that we can text a prayer as well!

  5. I used to get really cross with people who said they would pray for me because it seemed such a flippant comment that Christians make. To ask the particulars of what I needed prayer for would have made such a difference. Thank you for asking your friend and writing this post.

    1. Thank you for reading and responding! On behalf of myself and others that have done this, I apologize! I am going to be very intentional from now on… I was blessed that God allowed me to have this experience to open my eyes to something that many of us do.

  6. Excellent point. I think we do tend to make the prayer promise, and then just kind of move on about our day without ever actually doing it. Or maybe it’s just a quick word, instead of the real intention we implied. Thanks for the reminder!

  7. Good to know there’s someone out there who still think highly of prayers, a lot of people don’t see the need to pray anymore… Thank you for this timely and encouraging post… You must be such an amazing person to even think this way

  8. Hi Erin! Thank you so much for this read. You are so right. We toss around that phrase so often that sometimes it loses it’s meaning. Being able to actually do it for a friend, loved one or even a stranger really does go a long way!

    1. Hey Raquel!!! Thanks for taking the time to read it and to comment! I really appreciate you doing that! And yes, it does mean so much and sometimes putting ourselves in their shoes, we can see just how much it means! It’s pretty cool!

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